Could landlines be next flashpoint in rural-urban divide?

THERE is growing concern that many rural areas will not only have to continue the struggle to get adequate broadband coverage but even basic landline connections may become problematic if Eircom succeeds in its efforts to get their public service obligations agreed with ComReg declared an unfair burden by the courts.
One Galway TD told The Tuam Herald that he thought the days of politicians having to swing phone connections for their constituents died out in the last century and feared an unwelcome return to those days if Eircom has its way. Eircom are arguing that being obliged to provide landline connections in rural areas is unprofitable and they want the cost borne by all telecom providers as part of a new Universal Service Obligation (USO).
The company has stated that they are not trying to get out of servicing rural areas, they simply want the cost shared by other companies which avail of the lines they instal at considerable expense.