'Always trust your gut when it comes to your baby'

A FIRST-TIME mother has urged mothers to trust their instincts after her baby boy’s 'reflux’ turned out to be a serious condition that needed urgent surgery.
Personal fitness trainer Alvinia Byrne from Dunmore Road, Tuam is delighted that her first baby Robbie is thriving now but she and his dad Darren Roche went through a stressful and worrying time when Robbie was just three weeks old.
“Robbie started to get sick after each feed. I was told by a few medical professionals that it was more than likely than reflux and advised to 'weather the storm’,” recalls Alvinia.
After five days of the same thing happening to little Robbie the first-time mum knew he wasn’t well and they returned to the Emergency Department and insisted that he needed to be checked over.
“After an hour of being seen we were told that Robbie had pyloric stenosis. This is the narrowing of the opening of the stomach to the first part of the small intestine, meaning his milk had nowhere to go.”