Summer reading events for children at your local library

Babies love books
It’s never too early to start reading to your child. Parents are their child’s first and most important teachers. Sharing a book with your baby or toddler is a wonderful way of developing their interest in books and reading.
Book sharing is especially good for helping your child learn to talk, particularly when stories have rhyme or lots of repetition. The first five years are the prime time for learning to talk and most of a child’s language comes from the adults around them.
Babies and toddlers, whose parents read to them, grow into children with good communication skills, a curiosity for life and a lifelong love of books. It is important that children see adults around them enjoying books and newspapers too.

Where is the best place to share a book?
In the bath, on a bus, or a bed
In a shower, in a shop, or a shed
On a potty, or a pram, in the park
At the dawn of the day, or the dark.

On a train, or the trunk of a tree
In a street, or the sand by the sea
In a car, or a cot, or a chair,
Sit and look at a book ANYWHERE!

Remember it’s free for children to join the library. Children can take home six books at any time for three weeks. A child is never too young to join the library.

Toddlers are welcome at libraries
We are happy to see them all there
You’ll find lots of good books to choose from
And wonderful stories to share …

So come for your own library ticket
Books have magic and wonder; you’ll see
And the very best things about libraries is
You can borrow all our books for free!

Enjoying books is the most important part of learning to read, and any moment that you give to sharing books with your child is time well spent. Books also make fantastic presents for children and can be enjoyed over and over again.
Tuam library will hold a story time and colouring session for young children every Thursday morning at 11.30 during July and August. It’s free to attend and all are welcome.
For more information please contact Tuam library at 093-2487.