Coats youll love wrapping up in

WE’VE all probably put off thinking about winter coats because of the longer than usual spells of warm sunshine but the chill factor is certainly beginning to strike.
Now is the perfect time to look at your current cover-ups and consider whether you need to update your coat options. Investing in a coat every winter isn’t always an option but it might be time for a new cosy casual jacket, a weekend wear coat or something suited for workwear.
The good news is that there’s a huge selection when it comes to sizes and styles to choose from this season, and coat trends tend to be more flexible to allow for longevity.
Collarless and pea coats are big this autumn-winter as are coats with texture such as leather, knit or jacquard features. When it comes to colours, black is a safe option but there’s lots of colour too from gorgeous winter whites to checks, tartans, pastels and rich burgundies, navies and soft greys. Zips feature in everything this season from dresses to tops and when it comes to coats, zips are more a focal point than simply something to close.
There’s a wonderful selection of puffa-style jackets available in Tuam store Love It as well as a tempting range of more tailored blazers and dressy coats – all at very affordable prices.
Love It on Shop Street in Tuam prides itself on offering stylish clothing at affordable prices and when it comes to coats there is fantastic value to be had at the moment.
We particularly love their range of cosy puffa jackets that look great with jeans and jeggings and your favourite pair of knee-high boots.