SPARKCATCHERS! duo Midi Corcoran and JoJo Hynes. Photo: Jacinta Fahy Photography

Igniting the spark of teen creativity

Artist Spotlight

CREATIVE Places Tuam is honoured to spotlight artists across Tuam and the surrounding areas, each month in The Tuam Herald. This month, we are showcasing Jojo Hynes and Midie Corcoran.

Jojo Hynes is an artist, performer and collaborator. She graduated with an MA from Kingston University, BA from GMIT, and postgrads from Goldsmiths University and NCAD.

Midie Corcoran is a performer, director, writer, teller of stories, collaborative artist and founding member of Earwig! Community Arts Tuam.

Collectively, they are Sparkcatchers!

How long have you each considered yourselves artists?

From an early age we both developed uncontrolled scribbles that didn’t appear to depict anything but by four-years-old we were able to explain what that art represented, although some may not have been able to see what we described…So from then really!

How would you describe your artistic practice?

Sparkcatchers! is Punk. It is socially engaged, digital and analogue, responsive and spontaneous, visual and aural.

We create work that is bold, meaningful, fun and intuitive that utilises positive disruption in public spaces…

For more, pick up this week’s Tuam Herald or log onto our digital edition HERE