THE installation of new benches for walkers is one of several projects to be undertaken at the Palace Grounds and its vicinity. Photo: Ray Ryan


Works are underway to make park age friendly for elderly

SHORTLY after repairs were carried out on the playground at Tuam’s Palace Grounds, further works have commenced to make the park more age friendly to older visitors.

Engineers from the Tuam Area Office conducted an Age Friendly Walkability Audit of the Park in recent months, and the recommendations from this have prompted a number of projects, some of which have already begun.

Additional benches for elderly patrons of the park will be installed around the walkway over the coming weeks, while pathways to the rear of the swimming pool are being widened to accommodate wheelchair access.

Senior engineer Paul Connolly said the works would enhance the Park for all users over the winter months.

“A number of new benches have been purchased in recent weeks which are made from cast iron and composite timber, making them highly durable, easily maintained and very difficult to damage,” he said…

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