PRESENTATION College Headford students play for Education Minister Norma Foley on her visit to the school last Friday. Photo: Ray Ryan

New autism classrooms for Pres

Education Minister makes impression in Headford

PRESENTATION College Headford has been granted over €1m for the redevelopment of its Seomra Seoda Autism classroom, following a visit from the Minister for Education to the school last Friday.

Minister Norma Foley was treated to a rousing performance from the school orchestra, choir, and World Champion Irish dancer Evan O’Brien during her visit, where she spoke with students from every year group.

The announcement of a new modular two classroom building, with staffroom and ancillary room, was welcomed by acting principal Orla Jackson, who said the new facilities were badly needed.

“The new modular building will replace the current Resource Centre, which is now 20 years old, and will include two autism classrooms, a staffroom/kitchen, an admin area and an SET room,” she said.

“This is very welcome news as Seomra Seoda is oversubscribed and the centre is not fit for purpose. Its excellent reputation is such that students are applying from outside the catchment area and a waiting list now exists for the service…

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