SEAN in the freezer!

Cold comfort

Menlough man emerges from ‘hidden disease’ by immersing himself in the cold

CONSISTENTLY doing the Wim Hof Method had Sean Kenny feeling like a “completely new human” within three months.

The Menlough man was diagnosed with IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) when he was aged 14, in 2011, in his first year in the HRC in Mountbellew.

The disease restricted Sean’s quality of life, yet, by the end of 2019, the severe inflammation in his bowels, the arthritis in his hands and legs, had evaporated. In March of 2022, he was medication free. He is now a healthy 27-year-old man.

Sean allowed his body to embrace being immersed in extremely cold water. He became a qualified instructor in the Wim Hof Method last year and provides workshops on the three pillars of the method…

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