PADDY and Alan Coyne hope to continue to expand their business this year.

Tapping in

Tuam firm leads roll out for ‘tap to donate’ for charities

WITH more and more people going cashless, charities are finding it hard to get coins to jingle in their collection buckets.

However, a Tuam company is leading the rollout of new ‘tap to donate’ technology in conjunction with one of the biggest payment tech companies in the world – Stripe.

Led by father and son Paddy and Alan Coyne, iDonate has proven very successful and allows communities, charities and individuals an easy and secure way to set up fundraising pages online.

Now the cashless donation setup can go mobile, and the company’s latest offering will help solve the problem of people not having any change to pop in a collection bucket; the system will allow users to simply tap a bank card or their phone to donate their chosen amount…

For more, pick up this week’s Tuam Herald or log onto our digital edition HERE