Photo: Ray Ryan

People under 34 are biggest users of Pieta House West

PEOPLE aged between 18 and 34 years accounted for the largest age group seeking help from Pieta House West in the past year.
The community-based centre for the intervention and prevention of self-harm and suicide has been operating in Tuam for just over two years and to date has provided 6,000 sessions of counselling.
The Tuam centre on Bishop Street caters for people in Galway city and county as well as large parts of the western region.
To date the service has supported upwards of 600 men, women and children.

Davy Carton of The Saw Doctors helped launch the Tuam Darkness into Light walk and pre-registration for the event on May 7 will take place on:

Thursday 28th April, in O'Tooles Supervalu from 10am till 2pm

Friday 29th April, in the former Tuam Book Shop on Vicar Street from 4pm till 7pm