Cllr Mary Hoade in Annaghdown cemetery.

No resting place in annaghdown

THERE is nowhere left in Annaghdown to bury a parishioner. The final burial plot at the local cemetery is now occupied.
The only hope now is that ministerial intervention could resolve the ongoing crisis surrounding Annaghdown graveyard, as members of the local cemetery committee take their campaign to Leinster House. A delegation from the parish is to appeal to Heritage Minister Heather Humphries to lift restrictions on extending the cemetery.
A line of archaeological significance was drawn around the existing site by the National Monuments Service, which has ruled out extending the graveyard.
However, a campaign led by the Annaghdown Cemetery Committee over the past two years has highlighted the need to provide extra land at the graveyard to cater for the local community’s burial needs. Local councillor Mary Hoade says the meeting with Minister Humphries next Wednesday, July 22, is crucial to resolving the impasse as the issue is now at crisis point.