Weather delays removal of Tuam's Christmas lighting

INCESSANT rain and high winds have been blamed for Tuam's ongoing festive décor, as the town's Christmas lighting display remains in place. Plans to remove the lights last week failed due to worsening weather conditions but it is hoped the €100,000 set of LED lights will be taken down in the coming days.[private] The town's Christmas tree was removed last week, while council workers removed garland lighting from the town hall in recent days. The main lighting fixtures, which span the Square and all streets in the town centre, require electricians to erect and dismantle them. 'We have a team of electricians who erected the lights before Christmas ready to take them down but the weather has hampered efforts so far,' said Tuam Chamber of Commerce President Ronan Glynn. 'We've had some great feedback from people as to how well the town looked over the festive season, so we're keen to get the lights down and into storage until next the festive season next December.' [/private]